👋 About me #

Hey there! I’m Edoardo, a computer science engineer passionate about iOS development.

In 2022, I graduated from the University of Florence in Italy with a master’s degree in Computer Science & Engineering.

I’m currently working as iOS developer at Shape Games. Previously, I helped building the iOS app for greenApes, a social network focused on sustainability and positive environment impact.

I also enjoy reverse engineering, automation and open source software. Sometimes I share findings in my blog.

You can find me on GitHub and Mastodon. If you want to get in touch, feel free to write me an email!

☕️ Personal projects

Visit my GitHub profile to explore more!

🤖 A Telegram bot that integrates with OpenAI's official ChatGPT APIs to provide answers, written in Python

Python 3,229 1483

A fully-featured iOS client for appdb.to written in Swift 5

Swift 333 46

📊 Personal iOS app to track stuff I've watched/read/listened/played, written in SwiftUI

Swift 10

macOS command line tool to automate common iOS development tasks

Swift 92 15

App Store-like SwiftUI expandable text view with "more" button, iOS 13+, fully customizable

Swift 58 16

A macOS bash script to automate decryption of iOS Apps using a jailbroken iOS device

Shell 39 9

📥 Latest blog posts

See all →
Modeling view state in SwiftUI

How to reduce boilerplate code when modeling view state in SwiftUI views by using a generic enum to handle common scenarios such as loading, success, and error states.

Automating Mastodon Posts with OpenAI's ChatGPT

Building Mastofact, a silly ChatGPT-powered Mastodon bot that toots a random fact every hour, using Python and the Mastodon.py library.

Long live Tweetbot

How to continue using the Tweetbot iOS app after it has been suspended by replacing its Twitter API key with your own, using a man-in-the-middle proxy to redirect authentication requests.