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Tagged with ios
Modeling view state in SwiftUI

How to reduce boilerplate code when modeling view state in SwiftUI views by using a generic enum to handle common scenarios such as loading, success, and error states.

Long live Tweetbot

How to continue using the Tweetbot iOS app after it has been suspended by replacing its Twitter API key with your own, using a man-in-the-middle proxy to redirect authentication requests.

A first look at Swift Charts: building a horizontal bar chart

An introduction to the Swift Charts library and a look at how to build a horizontal bar chart using some sample data.

Building, testing and releasing native iOS apps using Codemagic

My experience using the Codemagic platform to set up continuous integration, testing and automated deployments for a native iOS app written in Swift.

Recreating the App Store's expandable text in SwiftUI

Recreating the expandable text view used in the App Store's app description using SwiftUI. The view will be able to expand its content by tapping on a "more" button.